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Swimming Distance Calculator

This tool lets you convert the number of lengths you swim in a pool into the total distance

Total Distance

25 lengths x 20m Pool is

500 metres (546.81 yards)

About This Tool

This tool lets you convert the number of lengths of a pool you swim into the actual length in metres/yards.

Swimming pool lengths vary, ranging from short recreational pools to regulation-sized competition pools. The most common pool lengths are 25 metres, 50 metres, and 25 yards.

25-metre pools, known as “short course” pools, are frequently used in international competitions and training. They are popular because their shorter length allows for more turns, providing more opportunities to practice starts and turns, key aspects of competitive swimming.

50-metre pools, often called “Olympic-sized” or “long course” pools, are used in major international competitions like the Olympics and World Championships. The longer distance allows for fewer turns, testing a swimmer\’s endurance and technique over longer stretches. Training in a 50-metre pool is essential for competitive swimmers aiming to compete at high levels.

25-yard pools are common in the United States, particularly at high school and collegiate levels. Known as “short course yards,” these pools are standard for NCAA and high school competitions. While shorter than the international standard, they offer a similar experience, emphasizing speed and power in shorter distances.

Recreational and private pools vary greatly in length, and often depend on the space available to build the pool within. Typically, they are between 10 to 20 metres, and designed more for leisure and fitness than competition. Each length serves different needs, from competitive training to casual exercise and play.